
Showing posts from July, 2021
    5_BLOG Information on Unified Field Theory     Invitation to "Unified Field Theory" Dear ones. This is a invitation to the blog of papers on unified field theory. If you are interested in "Unified Field Theory" of physics, please click the link below to take a look. Also, if you know some friends who might be interested in this matter, please share this information. If you enter from twitter, please share / retweet. This is a theory in which space-time quantization is introduced and Canonical transformation group is used as gauge group, and neither super symmetry (SUSY) nor super string theory is necessary. (I think Super String theory is very doubtful.  I wish I were the kid who shouted "But he has put nothing on at all", in Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales "The Emperor's New Clothes".) The entire consists of 3parts (part-I, II, III) and the entire "Cover + Preface" and "afterword" are added to t